by Dan Smith
There are many misconceptions about book publicity and book marketing; some are from a lack of knowledge and understanding, and some from outdated advice that no longer apply to today's market.
Here are a few common myths I see in the current publishing and book marketing landscape:
1) Radio interviews don't sell books --
Well, to be sure, radio interviews certainly don't always sell books, but they often do—sometimes many. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen credited radio interviews for selling tens of thousands of books when their famous Chicken Soup for the Soul series first launched. It depends on the topic and the skill of the guest being interviewed. Also, radio interviews follow what I call a "cumulative effect." Put simply, the more you do, the more you will start to see books move. Picture a map on your wall, and pins stuck in the location of every interview you complete. The more pins on that map, the more likely you'll see a cumulative effect. That momentum moves books.
2) Book sales are all that matter in book publicity –
Well, this may depend on the author, but now more than ever, media coverage provides a number of additional benefits, some much more lucrative than the profits from book sales. For non-fiction authors, a book and subsequent media exposure from a book marketing campaign can lead to speaking opportunities, and bolster credibility for enhanced employment. For business owners, consultants and advisors, the “book as a marketing tool” approach can result in increased sales, prospective client inquires and direct business opportunities. For novelists, especially first-timers, a book can be the cornerstone of developing a compelling brand and platform that leads to a variety of opportunities. A fan base created from an initial book can then lead to more sales, and, increasingly, the potential attention of traditional publishers or agents.
3) The only good times to launch a book promotion campaign are early Fall and after the new year –
In my experience, this is flat-out untrue. Why? Ironically, one of the reasons is because many people still think it’s a bad time to launch a book, so there’s less competition when vying for media attention. You can launch when most others do and be one of many in a jam-packed run for media coverage, or perhaps wait just a bit until the crowd rushes by, and stand out a bit. As we do as publicists when we pitch: be a bit contrarian, be different, be special … don't be like everyone else.
4) Authors should focus only on the highest level media –
This is what I call the "Oprah effect," and it can destroy an author's chances of success. When Oprah Winfrey’s TV show was still on, we would routinely have authors calling us ONLY wanting to get on Oprah because that was the ONLY path to success. The Oprah Effect bordered on causing insanity with some authors. One of our clients wanted to ship himself via UPS to an Oprah producer! Today, top shows such as the Today Show and daytime talk shows often become the sole focus of authors seeking media exposure. An author should swing for home runs diligently, but at the same time go after ALL media of any size, in any location. The reality is that a well-structured campaign that involves many levels of media can be very successful, and, being a guest on the Today Show does NOT always equate to book sales! It's Book Promotion 101; ignore smaller media at your own peril. A comprehensive publicity campaign is exactly that, comprehensive, including all levels of media.
5) Guaranteed results from a publicity agency is the most important thing –
Well, not so fast. Intuitively, yes, it makes sense: You’re paying an agency, and they guarantee tangible results. Much better than a retainer-based firm that can't guarantee anything, right? But it’s important to consider the adage “you get what you pay for.” Let’s say you are guaranteed 25 radio interviews. What kind of interviews are they? All radio interviews are not created equal. An Internet radio show certainly may be a good opportunity, but some may also have twelve listeners. Read the fine print of any guarantee, and read it carefully, because it may be very fine print! Some agencies offer excellent guaranteed packages, while others leave authors wondering what hit them after their “guarantee” has been met. A retainer-based or flat-fee book publicity program may be your best choice because they can offer a comprehensive, holistic approach to promotion of your book. Just consider options carefully and do your due diligence before making any decision.
6) Self-published books still face many obstacles when it comes to media coverage –
Ten or fifteen years ago ... maybe so, but now, things have changed significantly. Self-published authors are routinely interviewed on national TV shows and featured in newspapers, magazines, and radio. For the most part, the media doesn't care how a book was published, as long as the topic is relevant, the book professionally designed, and the author can provide solid information. When it comes to book reviews, your self-published book will indeed likely not be reviewed in the New York Times and some other major review outlets, but you and your book can be featured in those same outlets via print interviews, feature stories, etc.
7) Social media is all that’s needed to spread the word about a book –
First, let me be clear, we recommend every author engage in meaningful social media activity. In fact, we offer both introductory and ongoing social media services. But social media alone, in most cases, isn't sufficient to fully promote a book. When social networking started exploding years back, many “experts” predicted that traditional, “old school” publicity and book marketing would go the way of the dinosaurs. Actually, traditional publicity has become essential for social media to work when promoting a book! Articles, reviews, interviews, etc. provide some of the best material to populate social media platforms. Likewise, traditional media coverage benefits from authors active on social media, because producers and editors often research potential story subjects and sources or guests, and a professional and substantial social network presence adds to an author’s credibility. Put simply, social media and traditional publicity can be the beginning of beautiful relationships, as both help the other.
Dan Smith is CEO and Founder of Smith Publicity.
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